Skills-based workforce development platform

Image for Skills-based workforce development platform

edyoucated is the most comprehensive platform for learning and skills. It is tailor-made for modern businesses and provides all the tools necessary to power workforce development activities from skill management to learning content delivery. Over the past few years, we've received numerous client requests for a skills platform to solve common pain points for the L&D function. Our new, consolidated approach to upskilling, learning, and skill management brings all L&D needs together in one platform. Since 2019, small and mid-sized companies and large enterprises (such as Deutsche Bahn, BASF Coatings, and LVM) have been using our award-winning platform. At edyoucated, we differentiate ourselves from our competitors through our innovative approach to workforce development. Our 100% skills-based approach to workforce development allows for more personalized, engaging, and effective workforce upskilling. Our learning and skills platform empowers companies of all sizes to build their workforce skills more strategically, systematically, and effectively. Due to its modular design, we enable businesses to fulfill a variety of use cases. First, the platform allows companies to create a skills taxonomy and structure their skills in one system to provide a common language for skills throughout the organization. The visual editor makes it easy to see how all the skills in an organization fit together and to edit the skill hierarchies. Businesses can manage their organizational skills in one place with our readily available skill taxonomy. Secondly, the platform also allows businesses to assess their skill needs and gain insight into their current skill levels. The platform makes it easy to assign skill assessments to employees and measure skill levels to identify and close skill gaps. By keeping track of existing skills and identifying knowledge gaps, businesses can develop more targeted training programs tailored to each learner's prior knowledge. Plus, progress can be tracked easily from within the system, making it easy to prove ROI to stakeholders. Thirdly, edyoucated supports businesses that want to move away from rigid job profiles to more agile and flexible skill profiles. Skill profiles can be selected from our library or created by businesses and assigned to employees to provide personalized career guidance. Plus, our smart and skill-based learning recommendations help learners and managers identify and focus on the most relevant future skills to develop. Fourthly, edyoucated offers adaptive, highly personalized learning paths that help businesses to scale the power of 1-to-1 learning experiences across your entire organization. The platform's huge (adaptive) content library is filled with curated content from premium content partners (Pinktum, Soluzione, etc.) and clients can also easily upload their own content. The drag-and-drop building function makes creating individually tailored personalized and adaptive learning paths easy. In addition to its modular platform, edyoucated offers consulting services to help companies transform their skills. The platform supports the entire process, from skill taxonomy creation to skill profiles and success metrics. A dedicated deployment team allows customers to set up the platform, from initial configuration to internal marketing, quickly and easily and offers ongoing support throughout the entire journey.

Eingereicht von: edyoucated GmbH
Jahr 2023
Kategorie: Lehr- und Lernmanagementsysteme (LMS)



German, English


Edypucated nimmt eine der grössten Herausforderungen der (Weiter)Bildung wahr - es will die Verbesserung von Skills genauer ansprechen und sich nicht mit dem (veralteten?) Ausbauen von Wissen zufriedengeben.
Edyoucated ist eine der ersten Plattformen, die AI nutzt, um die Inhalte den Lernenden anzupassen. Für Bestimmung von Lernwegen arbeiten der Lernende und die AI zusammen: von AI kommen Vorschläge, welche Inhalte wann abzuarbeiten, der Lernende entscheidet dann, ob er/sie der AI folgt oder anders vorangeht. Ein Musterbeispiel für Erziehung, wir hoffen jedoch, dass AI nur auf dieser Ebene in der Rolle des Erwachsenen agiert (und der Lernrende als Kind) und nicht eines der filmischen Katastrophenszenarien einritt, in denen AI zuerst die Entscheidungen von und dann die Kontrolle über die Menschen übernimmt.
Der AI und dem Lernenden stehen mehrere Mediatheken zur Verfügung, die Inhalte werden für die Plattform von anderen Produzenten geliefert oder übernommen, was eine Vielfalt auch zum gleichen Inhalt schaft. Eine Vielfalt bzw. mehrere Perspektiven die mit dem Wissen unbedingt verbunden werden sollen.