B2 VOP (Varstvo osebnih podatkov)

Image for B2 VOP (Varstvo osebnih podatkov)

1.The law on personal data protection is very strict in Slovenia. Employees in every Slovenian company or organisation should know the law. 2.The learning content is despite of its dullness shown in interactive way and empowered by multimedia. This kind of e-content helps to achieve the main goal for companies: the employees are well educated and are carrying out operations in accordance with the law. The employees also get the knowledge about their rights in the workplace. 3.The e-content ‘B2 VOP’ ends up with the final on-line exam. The test results of the employees are visible to their managers as well as their duration of learning. 4.Many rules and guides are easier to remember by showing best practice. This is why e-content is full of short quizzes with immediate feedback and with real case-based scenarios.

Eingereicht von: B2 d.o.o.
Jahr 2012
Kategorie: Didaktische Multimediaprodukte (DMP)

